The underground car parks under the Sophienterrassen

Where undiscovered values grow

Sometimes the things we don't see are the most valuable things in life. Nothing against cars, quite the opposite: if you don't use them, they should be well protected from the weather, road grit and contemporaries who are up to no good. There are 419 car parking spaces for this purpose under Sophienterrassen, spread over several levels in two underground car park areas. This underground infrastructure has led to an increase in quality of life above ground. This is because the Sophienterrassen could remain car-free. The consequences can be seen in more space for people and more joy for the eye, as well as in less noise and harmful odours. Real quality of life that is worth investing in.

The car-free city district

A noticeable improvement in quality of life

The car should serve the people and not the other way around. But it can also do that very well if it is parked in the basement. The benefits of a car-free neighbourhood are astounding: you don't hear any driving or engine noise, you don't smell any exhaust fumes, you are not disturbed by the sight of them, you have significantly more space and parents can confidently send their children outside to play. These advantages initially cost more money. But they are worthwhile for the residents and will presumably pay off for the investors in the Sophienterrassen residential complex in the long term as one factor among many in the performance of the property.

Light, spacious, secure

More pleasure in parking

The underground car parks at Sophienterrassen are characterised by their spacious, bright and well-arranged design, as well as the latest security technology. With a generously dimensioned headroom and wide parking spaces, parking and exiting is a breeze, even with large vehicles. At the same time, monitoring by camera systems and access or entry controls ensures that vehicles are safely stored and that other hazards are avoided. Direct access to the residential buildings via lifts allows residents to get home comfortably and safely – an important advantage, especially in the cold and dark season. This combination of safety, comfort and aesthetics underlines the high standards of the Sophienterrassen, even in this detail, and can contribute to an increase in the value of the properties themselves.